
Unlock and Locate Madden 21 Superstar X-Factors

Unlock and Locate Madden 21 Superstar X-Factors

NBA 2K21 Superstar X-Factor players and standard Superstars demonstrate the importance of player ratings. EA selected 50 elite players and awarded them the nickname “Superstar X Factor.” Superstar X-Factor players have inherent abilities, and an X-Factor privilege can be unlocked by meeting certain conditions. For example, Tom Brady gains “professional reading” ability by completing two consecutive passes of more than five yards. This is not a challenging feat, and once obtained, the first public recipient will be highlighted. Being fired, Brady will lose his allowance.

Each X-factor player has three to six functions in total. However, only QB has more than three. All other positions on offense and defense can only have a maximum of 3.

More importantly, players are marked as superstars, and each person has one or two innate abilities (QB superstars are the only ones with two).

Unlock and find Superstar X Factor
The most significant new feature of Madden NFL 21 is Superstar X-Factors. This feature aims to highlight some of the best players in the game and make them have a higher impact on the game. Only 50 players received this rating, including screeners Patrick Mahomes, Tom Brady, Aaron Donald, and Khalil Mack.

What needs to be clear is that these functions, even the X factor, cannot make you invincible. We do not recommend that you develop a strategy around these features. Of course, for obvious reasons, it is helpful to have Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes II at the center, but you shouldn’t care too much about passing the ball to the “superstar”, especially on offense. If you hang it on the star receiver over and over again, your battery will become one-dimensional and predictable.

To unlock the Superstar X factor function, you must complete a series of tasks. For Tom Brady, you must complete three passes over 5 yards, and he will enter the area. However, a sack can kick him out. For other players, this is a similar indicator. To spot these players in the game, press the R2 button and lift the analog joystick on the right to view defense, or press down to see offense.

In addition to these, there are some players with superstar abilities. These are not the team’s strengths, but they are outstanding players like Super Bowl LIII MVP Julian Edelman, Deshaun Watson, and Baker Mayfield.

Using these new player features will be the best way to improve gameplay. Focusing on unlocking them may result in additional touchdowns or interceptions and thus ultimately win the game.