Why is Madden 21, which has a low score, still growing in sales?
The NFL season has been in the second week of the game, and Madden 21 game has been almost a month. Although the majority of players’ reactions to Madden NFL 21 were negative, the game’s sales increased by 20% compared to the previous year in the first week of release, making it the sixth best-selling game so far.
According to industry analysts, “After the most successful year in franchise history, fans like to play NFL more than ever. In past games, players have received a lot of praise and outstanding participation on NFL 21, which shows Their passion for Madden.”
But experts believe that the current COVID-19 pandemic makes gamers eager for any new version, which may explain the success of Madden NFL 21. However, the game’s continued success seems to indicate that die-hard fans are not ready to give up the franchise.
Although fans have criticized madden 21 for lack of gameplay improvements, Madden 21 has made changes and additions to the series, including introducing a new backyard football-inspired game mode called The Yard, which is used in multiplayer. Very popular among game lovers. Another addition to the game is the latest version of Face of the Franchise, the model introduced in Madden 20.

The success of Madden NFL 21 is surprising because it is one of the lowest-rated games in franchise history. The score on Metacritic is 0.4, which shows that users dislike it very much. However, critics gave further or average comments on this, and pointed out: “The innovative new game mechanism in Madden NFL 21 provides advanced control levels and stimulates creativity.”
An EA community manager accompanied by EA_Blueberry answered the question about Madden 21’s cross-play function at the EA Answers headquarters, “Madden 21 does not support cross-play.” This means that players on PS4 will not be able to compete with players on Xbox One. Vice versa. It also stated that there is no cross-play between the current console and the next-generation console, so PS4 players will not play against PS5 players (or Xbox One and Xbox Series X). “This answer felt bad among players in the EA Answers HQ forum because one player stated that they would not buy Madden 21 because of the lack of cross-play. This only adds to the many reasons why fans are dissatisfied with Madden 21.
In the eyes of critics, the PS4 and Xbox One reviews remain unchanged. However, for users, their score dropped to 0.2 on PlayStation 4 and remained at 0.4 on Xbox One. Many people complained that the new game did not provide any new content, while others said that the game was “full of glitches and errors” when released.
Madden NFL 21’s cross-generation features
Although Madden itself markets it as a simulated football game, many bogus football fans are tired of EA and Madden NFL franchises because it emphasizes arcade-like models based on microtransactions, such as Madden Ultimate Team and now The Yard. EA is the only company allowed to make simulation-based NFL games, which is of no avail. Fans of the franchise mode seem to be the shortest this year because it has not undergone any significant changes from Madden 20 to Madden 21, which prompted fans of the game mode to create the #FixMaddenFranchise hashtag on Twitter. EA promises to make changes and updates to the franchise model in the next few years. Starting this year, it will improve the franchise model through some patches.
Since Madden 21 cannot play cross games, players can only play games online with people on the same host. Players on PS4 can only play against other players on PS4, and players on Xbox One can only play against other players on Xbox One. But this may not be a bad thing. Madden Ultimate Team and The Yard are popular game modes in multiplayer communities where players can compete online.

Player of the week: Aaron Jones
Aaron Jones fully integrated into the Detroit Lions defense in Week 2, leading the Green Bay Packers to a 42-21 advantage.
Jones has an average hit rate of 9.8 yards per entry, stacking 168 yards and 2 TDs.
After Jones’ rating dropped in Week 1, this was a huge revival and should put him on the “Player of the Week” list.
Attacking hero: Frank Gore
It will be difficult for Frank Gore to participate in MUT 21 again.
Frank Gore played only 16 attempts in Week 2 of the 2009 NFL season, fighting hard for 207 yards and 2 TDs while increasing his receiving rate by 39 yards. This allowed his San Francisco 49ers to beat Seattle Seas 23-10. Eagles.
Defensive hero: Mario Williams
Mario Williams is not exactly a household name, but he did well in the second week of the 2013 NFL season against the Carolina Panthers.
In this game, Williams set the Bill’s franchise record and pushed his team to a 24-23 victory.
Written at the end, regarding the cross-platform function of NFL games, although EA_Blueberry has confirmed that players will not cross-play between PS4 and PS5 and Xbox One and Xbox Series X, it is unknown whether PS5 and Xbox Series X can be cross-played. Who knows, maybe Madden NFL 21 Coins fans will eventually be able to compete with each other across platforms when the next generation of consoles comes out.