
How to slide with QB in Madden 21

How to slide with QB in Madden 21

Knowing how to slide in Madden NFL 21 allows the quarterback to stay safe when competing for the ball and minimize turning the ball over when serving. It can also be used to end the game as soon as possible and is useful for Madden Ultimate Team when performing specific challenges.
A quarterback slide is an act of competing with the quarterback and then deliberately making him surrender. It is safe from the perspective of the game and the view of management.

To execute QB slides, the following conditions must be met:
It would help if you directly controlled the spherical bracket.
If you control QB, you must press and hold R2 (PS4) or RT (XB1) to make the pass chaotic.
If you want to control QB, you must exceed the limit.
Assuming everything is correct, press and hold R2/RT and L2/LT, then press Square/X (diving button) to slide immediately. Although the animation will push your QB forward a few yards, it will be found when his ass touches the grass.

In Madden NFL 21, depending on the player’s speed rating, there seems to be a one-second delay in the animation. The faster quarterback will enter the animation faster than the slower quarterback. If you need to slide with a slow quarterback, consider performing button combinations faster than other methods. It is best to practice with your team to reduce the time schedules.

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