
How to get Madden 21 Colin Kaepernick

How to get Madden 21 Colin Kaepernick

We will use this feature in the game after Colin Kaepernick retired four years ago. He can be included in the team, and he is a celebrity star and was an MVP candidate. Now, we must know how to get Colin Kaepernick. For this, we will get the following in this Madden21coins offers guide, then let us see.

How to get Colin Kaepernick in Madden 21
To obtain this player, it is necessary to download the 1.05 patch of the game. This is a 4 GB download to our console. Now that we have updated the game, once we access the management menu from the list and enter the free agent, we can achieve this is different. We can also add them to the franchise mode and look for the option when playing. With this update, we can also play shirts from this player in Yard mode. The skill of this quarterback is 81, which is an outstanding statistic. His performance surpasses other players, with a speed of 84 and a career start of 89, making him attractive.